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such as statements about our financial and performance targets and other forecasts or expectations regarding, or dependent on, our business outlook; our expectati...
After transplanting, the relat= ive abundance of Acid-bacilli in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil under the same treatment showed an increasing trend. In the ...
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Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Three-dimensional Topological Insulator/Thin-film Ferromagnetic Metal Bilayer Structure Katsuhiro Arimoto,1, 2, ∗ Takashi Korets...
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hexo server -i IP地址#自定义 IP hexo clean#清除缓存 ,网页正常情况下可以忽略此条命令,执行该指令后,会删掉站点根目录下的public文件夹 hexo g#生成静态网页 (执行 $hexo ...

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surface" as in Fig. 8. 5. Search for magnetic helicity The twisting of the halo provides a handle for the de- tection of inter-galactic magnetic fields and their ...
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1. Finite width N effect The effects of finite width N can be attributed to the corrections due to geometrically closed loops in the network which becomes non-neg...

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Meso-scale size effects of material heterogeneities on crack propagation in brittle solids: Perspectives from phase-field simulations Liuchi Lia,∗, Jack Raob, To...

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(3) The integrality gap after separation round k is given by the bound difference gk := zOPT − zk ≥ 0. To solve MILPs, cutting planes are often combined with a ...